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Most events and activities require BCHE Membership, however, a few are open to the public.

In order to participate in all BCHE events, you must register for the event or activity first! This helps us to ensure we have enough materials and space available for all participants!

Public Events

Safety City

Safety City is a right-of-passage event for THIRD grade age students in the Big Country! Abilene firefighters and police officers will teach them about fire, traffic, bike, and pedestrian safety at the kid-sized city built just for that purpose. This event is open and offered at no charge to all area homeschooled THIRD graders (only), but you MUST be registered to attend.


Science and History Fair

Do you have a budding scientist or historian? They will NOT want to miss this opportunity! Participating in a Science & History Fair is beneficial in SO many ways--sign up your student and let them flex their research and presentation skills.

This is open to all area homeschooled students, both current BCHE members and non-members.

Curriculum Sale

Buying or Selling? Veteran or New Homeschooler? This sale is for you! BCHE Curriculum Sale operates in a consignment format.

This year's sale will take place on June 22--click the image FMI or to register as a consignor.

Become part of the BCHE Community!


SERVICE AREA includes, but is not limited to: Abilene, Anson, Baird, Brownwood, Cisco, Clyde, Coleman, Colorado City, Cross Plains, Early, Eastland, Haskell, Hawley, Lawn, Merkel, Rotan, Snyder, Sweetwater, Throckmorton, Tye, and Winters.

All content & images © 2020 BCHE, Inc.

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