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Thank you for your support--we couldn't do it without you!

Donations help us keep costs for family programs and activities as low as possible for our home school community! Is there a specific program or activity you'd like to bless? Fill out the donation form and let us know in the message field which specific program, student, or event should receive the donation. If you're not sure, we're happy to apply your gift wherever there is the most need. BCHE is a 501(c)3 non-profit.

Thank you for helping us to continue to serve our home school community--your gift is so appreciated!

We are always happy to answer questions about other BCHE programs and events. Have a passion for Drama? We have three Drama programs, and we depend on fundraising and donations to make those possible for families. Feel free to reach out to with questions about these or any other BCHE programs, regarding donations or sponsorship.

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*Gift Amount ($USD)

Our Graduating Seniors are working hard to raise funds for their senior trip to Scotland, and your gift will help them get there! If you'd like to donate to a certain Grad, put their name in the Donation Message field, and be sure to let us know if you prefer to remain anonymous. If you'd like to donate to the Grad Group as a whole, we'll be happy to divide your gift evenly between those who are fundraising.

Grad Trip 2024 Participants (those who are actively fundraising): Olivia Breech, Sarah Clower, Ava Longley, Elizabeth Mayfield, Emme Snelson, Ruby Snelson, Nathan Songer, Grace Tatman, Ludvig Wills; and Chaperones Abby Longley, Rachael Breech, and James Songer

BCHE Archery: We have a large, active Archery program, and BCHE provides equipment, venue, and coaches for those who participate. Your gift helps us keep family costs low, especially for those who have multiple students on the team, and helps us send our qualifying archers to Nationals competition each year!

BCHE Student Council is a leadership training and service group for homeschooled high schoolers, ages 14 and up. While learning and practicing leadership skills, they serve BCHE, their community, non-profits around Texas, and play a big role in Abilene's annual Children's Art & Literacy Festival. Your gift helps them buy service supplies and helps to pay travel costs to service locations.

BCHE Robotics is a learning and competition group for homeschooled Middle & High Schoolers who are interested in Robotics and Engineering. Your gift helps us provide the tools needed and help cover travel costs to competitions.

Right now, our team is entirely made up of Middle School boys, and they are having a blast learning and prepping with Coach Dawson for competition this coming spring. If you'd like to help support the Robotics program and help them get there, just let us know in the Donation Message field that's where we should apply your donation.

We are SO incredibly grateful for your support! Feel free to email us for more information.

General Info:

Abby Longley, Executive Director:

Jennifer Janzen, Board President:

Shannon Chambers, Admin Assist:

All content & images © 2020 BCHE, Inc.

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