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Contact US

We answer emails as quickly as we're able on business days. There are no office hours during evenings, weekends, or holidays. Please remember that we are all busy homeschool parents, as well.

Be sure to use the correct email address for your need, or use the general address if you're not sure who to contact. Emailing to the incorrect address will slow down a response, as it will just be forwarded to a different person.

Questions about a specific event/activity? Check the activity/program description to see if there was a contact email specified. If not, use the appropriate one below. Remember that BCHE emails include't forget the D!

General: Member of the public looking for info? Have a general homeschooling question? Looking for info about joining BCHE? This is where you start. We'll get your question to the right person!

Abby Longley (executive director): Are you a business or organization partnering or interested in partnering with BCHE? If you are looking to advertise, partner, or do business with BCHE, email here. This is also the address for media, BCHE program questions from members and non-members, teacher/coach inquiries, general complaints, etc. :)

Jenna McKnight (membership director): Already a member but having trouble accessing your account? Can't view the member pages, calendar, or registrations? Need to make a change to your member profile? This is the lady to ask!

Shannon Chambers (office admin): Checking on office hours, need help canceling an event/activity registration, want to know about teacher resource room or copier availability, or looking for something your kid left at Teen Night? Maybe you just need a friendly smile? That's Shannon!

Jenny Janzen (board president): j****** (currently having issues with this address--please reach out to someone else if you are trying to get in touch with our board president and the email bounces back) If you have an issue with a BCHE admin or staff member and would like to communicate that to a board member, email this address. Please allow 48 hours for a reply, and email is not checked during weekends or holidays.

We answer emails as quickly as we're able on business days. There are no office hours during evenings or weekends.

The BCHE Office is a busy place! Email if you would like to make an appointment to chat about something specific, so we can make sure to reserve sufficient time for you!

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 6861

Abilene, Texas  79608

BCHE Office/Learning Lab

6097 Buffalo Gap Rd  - Abilene, TX  79606

(brick & metal building next to Wylie Baptist Church)

Check site calendar or email for current hours.

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