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Website Troubleshooting

If you are having trouble logging into your account, please try the following:

  1. Try logging in from your computer instead of your phone or tablet.
  2. Use a different browser. We recommend Google Chrome.
  3. Clear your browser's cache.
    Use the following link to instructions, but note that you may want to uncheck the option to delete "Cookies and other site data."
    Instructions on clearing your cache on Google Chrome
  4. Then finally, use the login page instead of the gadget at the top of the page.

If you are still experiencing problems logging in after completing these steps, please email

SERVICE AREA includes, but is not limited to: Abilene, Anson, Baird, Brownwood, Cisco, Clyde, Coleman, Colorado City, Cross Plains, Early, Eastland, Haskell, Hawley, Lawn, Merkel, Rotan, Snyder, Sweetwater, Throckmorton, Tye, and Winters.

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